Tuesday, March 19, 2013


A Student Complaint

When we look at a student, what is it that we infer? What are our thoughts that conjure forth

a set of tinted shades? The following is an excerpt from an interview conducted by myself

on Feburary 7, 2013. The subject is a “continuing student”.

Their experience, thus far, consists of a clear separation between the academic

and administration sectors of BSC; the academic sector fosters a friendly, engaging

environment. However, the administration support, e.g., student affairs, health service,

is “hostile.” Such hostilities experienced by the individual include comments made from

administrative staff as, “Drop out of school”, due to financial reasons, for older students

tend to have more deductions, and financial assets. The student notes that financial aid

is structured to deal with the “traditional student” needs, and not for “continuing students.”

Student affairs, such as health insurance--more particularly the health insurance fee at

BSC--do not accord with the Obamacare initiative. The fee is $2000 and, as the student

notes, “is age-specific.” Furthermore, the student notes that, “The College needs to start

addressing the health fee policy so to accord with the Obamacare initiative. Also, the

student went to the student affairs office to seek assistance in terms of his/her financial

standing, which they replied, “You should move to South Carolina to live with your sister.

The student feels that such a statement stems from a commitment by the said campus

entities to be “selective”, only serving the need of the general traditional student population.

This also may suggest that the student should become someone else’s problem.

What a calamity we live in and have to witness. Man striking down man for superficial

reasons. No wonder there is so many tinted shades when the sky is light, and dark.
Signed, Adonis.T.W.Kernen

Tips for Saving Money in College!

Animal testing aves lives

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Away or Stay? : My Experience of Going Away to College

Kindness is a very BIG thing!

Every one of our greatest national treasures, our liberty,

enterprise, vitality, wealth, military power, global

authority, flow from a surprising source: our ability to

give thanks.

-Tony Snow

When we are angry, it is easy to complain and project our aggressions

and frustrations onto someone else so that they may carry the burden

instead of us. We are quick to judge, and even quicker to make a

great noise, sometimes without stopping and appealing to the logic of

a situation.

I ask of us all, where is that same intensity when another human being

shows the most virtuous of characteristics: kindness. Where is our call

to arms to show someone that their actions or words of thoughtfulness

and caring are truly appreciated? When do we go out of our way to

show compassion and encouragement to our fellow man and woman?

The reality that we live in is that negativity and positivity must coexist,

they are the catalysts for change, but imagine this scenario if you will:

If we all committed one act of appreciation every day for every act

of depreciation we carry out. Accentuate the positive people and

experiences of our lives; make the good with the bad.

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the

self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in

themselves, it's amazing what they can accomplish.

– Sam Walton
Signed, Andrea Gustafson, Speaker Pro Tempore