Tuesday, April 2, 2013

VOTE Mandatory for the Student Activity fee

If you were to stop a student right now and ask them do they know what's the referendum on Buffalo State campus?... its a slim chance they would even know what that even means. I believe if your attending a school you should know the important things going on because one student's vote or voice can change the direction of everything and what resources we as the student body have on campus.
Something as important as the referendum should be embed inside all students who are involved in USG funded organizations and students who take advantage of the free activities on campus that are funded by the MANDATORY student Activity Fee.
I'll start now by informing the students through this blog post and tell them to vote mandatory for the student activity fee because if it not mandatory you can say bye to theUSG funded organizations and USG as a whole.
The referendum vote gives the undergraduate student body the opportunity to vote and keep USG around. A Mandatory vote shows that students are satisfied with USG’s services, programs, and student Representation.
Be sure to vote and let your voice be heard. Polls are open in the Lower lobby n the Campbell student union from Monday-Wednesday from 9am-7pm and on Thursday from 9am-3:30pm.
Signed, Senator Keziah Green

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